Home 2018-06-06T12:44:29+00:00
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Second gathering mak2

After having met last July in Malaga Mac1, we are planning to have a second gathering of municipalist movements and initiatives. This time we will meet in Pamplona/Iruñea from 20th to 22nd of January 2017.As last time, the main aim is to reinforce a dynamic movement capable of pushing the boundaries of institutions. Our objective is to establish a bottom-up democracy, and it seems the only possible way to do it is through constructing local autonomy and empowering citizens to take political decisions that are considered to be essential: a big challenge, considering municipalities were designed for quite the opposite.
Nevertheless there are many experiences that can be useful for moving in this direction. During our gathering we will focus on the lines in which political agenda and agency is already being composed, in order to both counteract local oligarchies and stop the inertias intrinsic to the institutions. In the same way as MAC1, this gathering wants to reach out to movements and to activists within the movement rather than to political representatives and people in institutional positions.

The gathering will combine plenary sessions and round tables/workshops. The proposed core themes include a wide variety of topics from those directly associated with institutional work –such as remunicipalisation of services, debt audit or mobility– to others underlying the movements –such as social centres, citizen’s journalism, social unionism– and crossing what we could consider transversal issues –such as the question of organization, the incorporation of feminist practices, or the relationship with experiences across Europe.


El plazo para la inscripción acaba el domingo 15 de enero a las 12:00.


Resumen Mac1

Claudia Delso

Marisa Pérez


El municipalismo a discusión. Algunas tareas.

What’s New?


Friday, January 20th
MAK2 Opening Assembly. /19.00 / Civivox Jus la Rocha
Dinner-walking dinner /21:30/ Katakrak

Saturday, January 21st
Morning workshops /10h-13:30h/ Civivox Jus la Rocha
Mobility and sustainable urbanism
Remunicipalisation and the commons
Debt audit
Technopolitics and citizen’s journalism
Feminisms: sexist violences and LGBTIfoby

Lunch /14:30 / Katakrak
Afternoon workshops | 17:00-20:30 | Civivox Jus la Rocha
Who rules our cities?
The problem of organisation
Social centres and citizen-managed spaces
Social unionism
Cross-border municipalism

Dinner & entertainment | 21:30 – 1:00 | Rotxapea’s gaztetxe

Sunday, January 22nd
Final conclusions & working proposals | 11:00 | Errotxapeako Gaztetxea

Childcare service
A childcare service will be available at Civivox Jus la Rocha on Saturday 21st during the workshops.

Friday’s dinner: 10€
Supportive fee: 50€ // Saturday’s lunch: 15€
All dinners and Lunch: 35€ (people who cames from out of Spain)
Saturday’s dinner: 10€ // Sunday’s lunch: 3€



Se ha cerrado la inscripción. Para dudas a este respecto, ponerse en contacto con jornadasmac@gmail.com